Master’s thesis workshop -extended deadline
Master’s thesis workshop, 7 October 2016, at the University of Turku
A master’s thesis workshop will be arranged on 7 October at the Centre for East Asian Studies, University of Turku, in connection with the 10-year anniversary of the Centre.
The goal of this workshop is to help master’s students in social science and humanities to define and frame the topic of their Asia-related master’s thesis. Each workshop group is supervised by an expert in an area or topic. It may be possible that we cannot find experts to provide help on all geographical areas of Asia. With the help of this workshop students can then effectively start their work, with a feasible and well defined topic. This workshop is designed to help master’s students in this crucial moment.

In the workshop, students will be divided into small groups according to their topics, with four to five students and one supervisor. In the groups each student will briefly present his/her own topic which then will be commented by the supervisor and discussed among the participants. Everybody in the small group is expected to have read all the group’s papers before the workshop in order to ensure fruitful discussion. The supervisor will lead the discussion and in the end draw conclusions and make suggestions for each student in the small group. The workshop will take at the most three hours, including a tea break. Participants are responsible for their own travel arrangements.
To apply fill the application form. Applicants can be from the Finnish University Network for Asian Studies member universities. (Aalto, Jyväskylä, Lappeenranta, Oulu, Tampere, Turku, Vaasa, Åbo)
From the applications, a maximum of 25 participants will be selected. The selected students should submit their research proposal (2 pages) latest on October 3. The research proposal should explain the goal of the thesis, main research questions and methods.
Timetable (note new dates):
Sept 8-23 Application period
Sept 27 Decisions announced
Oct 3 Research proposal deadline
Oct 7 Workshop (starts at 9am)
For more information contact:
Jouni Huupponen
+358 2 333 8897
Finnish University Network for Asian Studies
University of Turku