Asianet’s MOOC-course “Johdatus Itä-Aasiaan” selected course of the year at the University of Turku
Asianet’s Finnish language MOOC Johdatus Itä-Aasiaan (Introduction to East Asia) was selected course of the year 2022 at the University of Turku
Responsible teacher of the course
Silja Keva, after accepting the award.
Photo: University of Turku
The University of Turku (UTU) and the Student Union of the UTU selected the MOOC-course Johdatus Itä-Aasiaan (Introduction to East Asia) as the course of the year 2022. The course is made by the Centre for East Asian Studies (UTU) for the national Finnish University Network for Asian Studies.
The selection arguments highlighted the inspiring and versatile study materials of the course, the varied and flexible assignments and their good interplay with the course text book. The course received excellent student feedback.
Johdatus Itä-Aasiaan is a Finnish-language MOOC-course that is free of charge and open to everybody. The course introduced the key issues and challenges of East Asian (China, Japan, South and North Korea) countries in politics, economy, social issues and regional relations.
Do you speak Finnish and want to sign up the course? Read more: