
Online courses 2015: Transcripts of records ready to be picked up at your local Contact Person
Students in Asian Programme and Master level courses, The Transcripts of Records (opintorekisteriotteet) are now sent to the local Contact...
Register now to our 20th Anniversary Conference!
The Finnish University Network for Asian Studies celebrates its 20th anniversary on February 18-19, 2016 in Turku. The Programme of...
Preliminary Program of the 20th Anniversary Conference
The preliminary program of the anniversary conference is out now! The theme  of the conference is “Education, Science and Equality in...
Spring 2016 course schedules are out!
Check out the updated course schedules for our spring 2016 online courses! Link:
Doctoral seminar in connection with the 20th Anniversary conference of the Finnish University Network for Asian Studies, 19.2.2016
PhD candidates who are writing their thesis on Asia are invited to present papers in the doctoral seminar of the...
Additional application period for Asianet online courses 10-25 November 2015!
Did you miss our September application period? Don’t worry, you can still register for our courses in the additional application...
Research Catalogue 2015 on Finnish research on Asia is published!
Research Catalogue on Finnish Asian research 2015 is out! Read what is going on in academic research on Asia in...
Meet the Winners: Master’s Award in Asian Studies 2015
Master’s Award in Asian Studies 2015 Master’s Award in Asian Studies was announced October 1st at Asian Studies Days in...
Kone-Fudan Scholarships open for application, deadline 30.10.2015
Kone-Fudan tutkijastipendit ovat nyt haussa! Nordic Centre at Fudan University  – konsortion suomalaiset jäsenyliopistot julistavat haettavaksi kaksi Kone – Fudan...
Asianet Alumni Employment Survey 2015 results
To celebrate the coming 20th anniversary of the Finnish University Network for Asian Studies, we organised a alumni employment survey...
Application period for all Asianet online courses is September 1-30, 2015.
Look East and Study Asia! The application period for the popular Asianet-online courses for the study year 2015-2016 is September...
Deadline extended to 31.8.! Doctoral seminar in Asian Studies at the Asian Studies Days at the University of Vaasa 2.10.2015
Are you writing a doctoral thesis on contemporary Asia? Now you can have your paper commented by experts in Asian...
Master’s Thesis Award 2015 – deadline September 1, 2015!
MASTER’S THESIS AWARD IN ASIAN STUDIES 2015  The Finnish University Network for Asian Studies welcomes applications for the Master’s Award...
Asian Studies Days at the University of Vaasa in October! Sign up now!
Dynamics of regionalization in Asia The Finnish University Network for Asian Studies together with the University of Vaasa will organize...
Työllistymiskysely Aasian verkko-opinnoista alumneille / Asianet Graduate Employment Survey
Oletko sinä Asianetin verkko-opintoalumni? Oletko suorittanut esim. Aasian ohjelman opintoja Yliopistojen Aasia-verkostossa? Teemme työllistymisselvitystä, jossa haluamme selvittää miten Aasian verkko-opintoja...
Call for Entries – Catalogue of Academic Research Projects on Asia in Finland 2015
The Finnish University Network for Asian Studies is collecting INFORMATION ABOUT ON-GOING OR RECENTLY COMPLETED RESEARCH PROJECTS on Asia for...
Research and Study Possibilities in and on Japan, May 11, 2015 Helsinki
Are you interested in studying in Japan or doing research on Japan? Register for the May 11, 2015 seminar to...
Japan Master’s Thesis Workshop, May 11th in Helsinki. DEADLINE EXTENDED TO 25.3. 2015!
Japan Master’s Thesis Workshop, May 11th in Helsinki Master’s students who are planning to write their thesis about Japan are...
Asian Programme and Mini Minor start January 7th, 2015!
Asian Programme and Mini Minor start January 7th 2015. If you have registered to our courses for spring 2015 you...
Apply Master’s and Doctoral level online courses on Asia (10-23.11.2014)!
The University Network for Asian Studies offers a variety of Master and Doctoral level courses for students wanting to deepen...
ASIAN STRATEGIES TOWARDS THE NORTHERN SEA ROUTE – Seminar on December 11, 2014 at the University of Turku
ASIAN STRATEGIES TOWARDS THE NORTHERN SEA ROUTE The seminar presentations focus on how Asian states such as China, Japan, South...
Asian Studies Catalogue 2014
Find out what is going on in Asian studies now in Finland! The new “Academic research projects on Asia in...
Winners of the Master’s Award in Asian Studies 2014
The first Master’s Award in Asian Studies received 14 excellent submissions from Finland. We were very happy to see the...
PhD course: Global Engagement of East Asian Countries, Dec 11-12, 2014
This PhD course is arranged in connection with the “Political Economy of the Northern Sea Route” workshop held in Turku,...